CPLP visa valid until 2025 in Portugal

The government approved the Decree-Law that establishes the rules for implementing the Action Plan for Migration. Among other changes is the extension for another year, that is, until June 30, 2025, the documents and visas related to staying in Portugal are valid.

There are more than hundreds of immigrant cases in the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries) category, many of them Brazilians who came through the visa with the intention of applying for a residence permit and getting their respective documents.

The Portuguese authorities are moving slowly. Since SEF no longer exists and has been replaced by AIMA, the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum, residents like myself have had a headache simply renewing their residence permit. Many are unable to renew automatically online due to random errors, while the queues and crowds at the agencies are increasing significantly.

Watch the video about the end of the expression of interest in Portugal. Subscribe to the Vamu Ver! DOCS channel on YouTube for more information on the subject.


Cristina Maya

Cristina Maya is a digital influencer and the creator of Vamu Ver! a registered trademark in Portugal by the National Institute of Industrial Property. 

She has a degree in Literature and taught English in Brazil. She studied and lived in the USA. 

Nowadays, she shares posts about travel tips, as well as tutorials focused on Portugal, the country where she lives.

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