Vasco da Gama Bridge has speed cameras operational

Pay attention to your speed when crossing the Vasco da Gama Bridge.

Since June 15th, speed control radars have been operational on the Vasco da Gama Bridge, which connects the South zone of Tejo to Lisbon. From now on, the GNR will monitor the average speed of vehicles crossing the bridge.

The National Republican Guard (GNR) and Lusoponte signed a cooperation protocol. According to the GNR, during the three-month testing period, over 100,000 vehicles were monitored. This resulted in 275 very serious infractions, with speeds between 181 and 277 km/h; 1,109 serious infractions, with speeds between 151 and 180 km/h; and 23,601 minor infractions, with speeds between 121 and 150 km/h.

Learn more about toll fees and general information about the Vasco da Gama Bridge.

Speed control radars

The radars on the Vasco da Gama Bridge operate differently from traditional ones, which measure instantaneous speed. They calculate the average speed of a vehicle over a certain distance. Technically, they could be described as stopwatches with cameras. In other words, they record the time a vehicle takes to travel between two points and use this information to calculate the vehicle’s average speed.

The vehicle owner will be fined if the calculated average speed exceeds the legal limit.

I invite you to cross Vasco da Gama Bridge with us. We made a video and posted it on the Vamu Ver! channel on YouTube.


Cristina Maya

Cristina Maya é influenciadora digital e criadora do Vamu Ver! marca nacional registrada em Portugal pelo INPI, Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial sob o nº 616476.

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